Friday, September 26, 2008

It's been almost exactly one week since we have returned from evacuating. Things are almost back to normal. Believe it or not, our return from evacuating took longer than evacuating. The majority of last Friday was spent driving around the Dallas area looking for gas cans (six stores later, we finally came up with 4 two-gallon cans)...we then secured a large Coleman cooler to bring back staple items such as milk and eggs. The reports from our neighbors told us that gas was still scarce and that most of the grocery stores still weren't open (the ones that were open were swamped). We found places to fill up along the way home so that we had a full tank when we arrived in Houston around 9:30 PM.

We didn't know what to expect. We were shocked at the amount of damage had been done even on the north side of town. As we drove through our neighborhood (realize that we live an hour from the coast) we saw 8 foot piles of debris, roofs with tarps over them, 30 year old trees cut down to the stumps and piles of ruined carpet on almost every corner. When we arrived home, we carefully went over the interior and exterior (with a flashlight)...and...nothing. Our house was in perfect condition. We didn't even lose a shingle. We have been so blessed. All the houses behind us have major shingle damage and their roofs leaked down into their homes, ruining sheet rock and carpet. Our fence didn't budge either. I know without a shadow of doubt that Heavenly Father was looking out for us that day. I cannot put to words how much gratitude I feel.

The next day, Brian went back to work at 6 AM. I was able to go to our local Petsmart to donate some dog food to the Humane Society - that is where we adopted Jack-Jack. They have so many animals in need (our Humane Society rescued over 600 animals that had been abandoned during Ike in our county alone.) As I was driving home, I took the opportunity to take some pictures around our neighborhood.

Fences Down...and major shingle damage which let the rain inside.

Fences down at a neighbor's home.

Roof and carpet damage right down the street.

Ward members on our street...they lost their beautiful Chinese Elm, but it didn't fall on their home...what a blessing.

Our street - minimal damage compared to the rest.

Our home...ten large yard bags of sticks, pine needles and leaves...minor cleanup.

The extent of our $20 package of black shingles to replace those that were chewed up by our large elm branch that banged on them repeatedly during the storm. We are so grateful!

We spent Monday and Tuesday returning our yard to its pre-Ike state. I planted some cheerful yellow mums to help encourage autumn to make its way down to Texas. I am so impressed with the blessings that Heavenly Father poured out upon us in the midst of this natural disaster. Out ward really pulled together and was able to account for and take care of every member who had a need within the first 48 hours. We have spent the last week providing meals, laundry facilities and company to those members still without power. Everyone is safe. We have been able to reach out in fellowship to neighbors and in return have gained new friends. I have seen so many people pull together in the spirit of service during this time. Heavenly Father has blessed Brian and me with the opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters as well. I see the extent of his love in the many helping hands that have been extended...this is an amazing blessing.


Panama Jones said...

How very fortunate you were, and how wonderful and appropriate that you have spent so much time giving to others who weren't so fortuntate. I'm sure you were very relieved when you pulled into your driveway. Whew!

annette said...

I don't wish this kind of disaster on anyone. What's amazing is how it has pulled your community together. I'm so glad all is well.

PS Yea for another post or 3! Love reading them- yep, we're fans!

Our Florida Trip - October 2008

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