Thursday, February 11, 2010

Six Week Update
So...we figure it's time for an update on Miss A! What a wonderful intro to parenthood! Miss A will be officially six weeks old on Saturday - where has the time gone?! She has a wonderful temperament - very easy-going and calm. She loves to look around at everything! Brian taught me the "family hold" which allows me to carry her around the house in a way that lets her look at everything - she loves it! She has been sleeping from 12:30 - 7:30 AM for a week now - and last night she went down at 11:30! Yea for sleep! During the day, her favorite place to sleep is on her boppy pillow - check her out in all her sleepy cuteness!

Miss A already has a friend! Her name is Kate and they are a week a part. We went on a play date to Kate's house and when we put them down on the play gym mat, they just stared and stared at each other...I can't wait until they really begin playing together.
On Sunday, we went to church for the very first time as a family - here's a pic of Brian and Miss A - who is definitely pretty in pink! Doesn't Brian look handsome?

Miss A is finally able to take real baths - instead of sponge baths...and boy does she love the water! She gurgles and coos her way through bath time - and she loves to try to suck on the washcloth whenever it gets near her...check her out in the cute bath towel Grandma made for her!We'll keep the updates coming - she is growing and changing everyday!


Panama Jones said...

Very very cute. And what a blessing that she's such a good sleeper! Brian said you prayed for an easy baby so you'd be willing to do it again. So far so good.

marenj said...

LAURA!! I found you off of my sister's blog- I'm so happy to see you again! Jill hadn't even mentioned that you were married OR had a little girl... She's gorgeous and I'm thrilled for you. I'm definitely adding you to my people-to-stalk list, so I can see what you're up to nowadays..

Jill said...

I'm so sorry that my sister is stalking you now....:-)Give me a call so we can catch up! Love to all!

Leaa said...

She is so sweet.

Mandy said...

Hey thanks for your comment! I'm hoping he's not allergic to anything. :) But if he is, at least I'll know what to do to help his skin clear up. Your daughter is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! I bet you are having so much fun with her. Congratulations!

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