Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it SNOW!!! Let it SNOW!!! Let it SNOW!!!

About 5:45 yesterday evening I opened the door to start hauling out all the supplies I was going to bring to our December Enrichment Service Auction - I am on the committee...and lo and behold...SNOW!!! In TEXAS!!! Crazy!!! No, I don't need to clean my camera lens...that is actual bona fide frozen white stuff. And it stuck (for a few hours at least - it was gone this morning). It snowed for about four hours and left everything coated in about an inch of the powdery white stuff. Does anyone else find it ironic that our palm tree has a nice coating of snow on it?

Merry Christmas!!!


Elder and Sister Dunn said...

It looks like you got your Christmas wish! I love the wreath. I bet it smells great.

Panama Jones said...

Bring a little with you when you come!

annette said...

Yes, snow on a palmed plant is quite ironic.

I guess PJ got his wish- thanks for bringing the snow on your visit. We loved every single moment with you guys!

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