Sunday, June 13, 2010

Rice Cereal, Applesauce and Watermelon...Oh My!

Trying food for the first time!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Miss A turned 5 months old last week...we can't believe how big she is getting!

Here are Miss A's 4 month checkup stats from her appointment last month: 12 lbs, 10 ounces...24 inches long...25th percentile for height, 25th percentile for weight and over 90th percentile for head size.

At Miss A's four month check-up, she was diagnosed with anterior polar cataracts - she was born with them. They look like tiny little white dots in the center of her pupils. We took her to a specialist and she is going to be fine. The specialist said that if you are going to have cataracts, these are the kind you want. As long as they don't grow, they won't hurt her vision at all. We will be keeping an eye on them with checkups every 6 months for the next few years.

Miss A still loves her bath time, so here are some photos from this week.

Miss A is so much fun right now. She is curious about everything. She loves to roll over, eat her toes and grab anything she can - to put it in her mouth of course! Here's a photo last week - we were folding laundry - she has her Daddy's work socks on her feet. Miss A thought they made great handles for pulling her feet up. She kept giggling and laughing...laundry-time has never been so much fun!

We've also been busy with work and the house, but I've been having a lot of fun cooking again - and Brian is super happy about this too! :-) I've been baking bread again - we used to only use our bread maker, but my friend introduced me to the most amazing whole wheat bread uses hard white wheat, and it is as light and fluffy as white bread...and super delicious! The recipe uses instant yeast and so it makes it easy to bake a couple of loaves once a week...Brian has really been enjoying having fresh baked bread for his sandwiches at work. :-)

On Sunday, I just tried my sister-in-law's roasted chicken recipe from her blog - AMAZING!

Our Florida Trip - October 2008

Our Oregon Trip Photos

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