Sunday, January 10, 2010

Happy New Year! There has been a lot of excitement in our household for the New year as our sweet baby girl made finally made her debut at the beginning of 2010. She weighed in at 7 pounds, 13 ounces and was 19 & 1/8 inches long (we think it's really funny that the hospital counts the 1/8th).

We have been home for about 5 days now and are loving being new parents! She is a total angel and we are completely wrapped around her little finger already. Her proud daddy practically beams every time he mentions her! Miss A., as we are calling her on our blog, (to all our friends out there - send us a text or email for more details) - is a joyous addition to our little family and we are eternally grateful to our loving Heavenly Father for entrusting her to us.

Laura is loving being a mommy, and it's obvious that Miss A. already recognizes both of our voices. She is a good eater, great sleeper and loves to peek out at us from half-opened's a big world out there! She has the cutest expressions - and her current nick-name is "Squeaker" because she squeaks when she's hungry! :-) Jack-Jack is fascinated with her, in fact, every time she cries he hurries over to make sure she's ok...LOL! Here are a few pics from the past week - more to come!

It's tough being born!

Mommy and baby at first sight!

Holding Daddy's hand!

Who turned on the lights?

Dressed and ready to go home!

Mom is so happy to finally be going home - hospitals are exhausting!

Proud Papa!

Finally home...snug as a bug in a rug!

Our Florida Trip - October 2008

Our Oregon Trip Photos

Our Favorite Music